What does it take to start shooting at longer ranges?

In our experience, not that much. In this blog post, we discuss how to put together a good hunting and shooting setup right off the bat, and we have a great video from Matt Dubber and me taking the theory to the field.

Matt and I met up in Nashville, Tennesee, during the FX Outdoorsgroup Summit meeting earlier this year. We discussed making a short video where we took some quality components, put them together, and tested the setup to medium hunting distances. That is exactly what we did, and this is the video result.

The equipment we used was the following:

The components above are not cheap, but they are quality built, and together they deliver a package that performs exceptionally well.
The most important thing when we put this rifle together is that the components could be bought over the counter. No need for gunsmithing!

I assembled the rifle on the spot. All I used was a tool set from Fix It Sticks.

  • I used 45-inch pounds on the action screws. The front one first, then the rear.
  • Used 45-inch pounds on the scope ring nuts to the base.
  • I checked the rifle was level and used a string to get the reticle plumb. I secured the marriage with 15-inch pounds on the scope rings to fix the scope.
  • I applied 25-inch pounds on the Bipod Adapter and Bag Rider screws to fix them to the stock. 
  • I  attached the Bipod, found the GRS rear bag, and we were set.

Feeding the Kestrel.

I put the following data into the Kestrel to give us a firing solution.

  • Scope height, 1,45 inches.
  • Bullet data, 0.308 & 225 grains.
  • Twist rate, 1-9 inches.
  • Bullet BC, G7 0.391/ G1 0.777
  • Velocity, f/s 2811
  • Units, distance in Yards, Wind in miles per hour, pressure in Inhg.
  • Adjustment units scope. 1/4 MOA (Minute of Angle).

We were now ready to zero the rifle and engage our target.
The Caldwell steel plate measured 8×8 inches (20x20cm) which is well under the vital zone for most of the animals we pursue. 

As you can see from the video, it took us six shots from zeroing the rifle to the first hit and follow-up shots at 592yards. The missed we had were still in the vital zone of an animal as they grazed the sides of the plate.
We did not show it in the video, but there were several others that tested the rifle, and they all hit it. The setup was fantastic.


The whole exercise was to show you that you do not need a heavily customized rifle to get into shooting at longer ranges. With the fit of the GRS stocks, you eliminate play in your shooting position, transfer the recoil into your shoulder the same way every time, and the result is accuracy down range. 
Buy quality components, practice with the rifle, and it will pay off.

Please note we are not encouraging everyone to do this and go straight to shoot animals at 600 yards. It takes practice and preparation over time to know your rifle and gear.

Please make sure to subscribe to Matt Dubbers and the GRS Youtube channel!

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Oscar Haugen
CEO GRS Riflestocks AS